Animal Genetic Resources Information 37 37 - 2005
Animal Genetic Resources Information

Bulletin d'information sur les ressources génétiques animales

Boletín de información sobre recursos genéticos animales


Rome, 2005

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© FAO 2006


Part I (678 KB)


Report on Strategic Priorities for Action
Rapport sur les priorités stratégiques
Informe sobre las prioridades Estratégicas para la Acción
Part II (632 KB)

A comparison of the productive, reproductive and body condition score traits of the Simmental, Brown Swiss and Tyrol Grey breeds in smallholder herds in Kosovo

Materials and methods
Part III (914 KB)

La raza ovina Xisqueta en España: Caracterización estructural de las explotaciones
Material y Métodos

Part IV (672 KB)

Pastoral community selection and the genetic structure of a local goat breed in Patagonia

Materials and methods
Part V (499 KB)

Survey and characterization of Attappady black goats of Kerala, India
Materials and methods
Part VI (997 KB)

Breed characteristics of Mecheri sheep
Materials and methods
Part VII (477 KB)

Conservation of poultry genetic resource in the Veneto region of Italy
Design and establishment of the project
Part VIII (764 KB)

Conservation of poultry genetic resource in the Veneto region of Italy (cont’d.)
Activities and Conservation Scheme in Co.Va. Project
Part IX (785 KB)

Status of Nili Ravi buffaloes in India
Materials and methods

Phenotypic characterization and production performance of local pigs under village settings in the Southern Highland zone, Tanzania
Materials and methods
Part X (694 KB)

Ghoongroo pig: A new found animal genetic resource of sub-Himalayan West Bengal, India
Management Practices
Part XI (566 KB)

International Agreement of Recording Practices
Colón y La Gomera: La colonización de La Isabella (Repubblica Dominicana) con animales y plantas de Canarias
(Columbus and La Gomera island: The colonisation of La Isabella (Dominican Republic) with animals and plants from the Canary islands)
Proceedings of the 4th All Africa Conference on Animal Agriculture. The role of biotechnology in animal agriculture to address poverty in Africa: Opportunities and challenges
Le chèvre dans l’arganeraie
Avaliação genética raça bovina Martolenga. Catálogo de touros 2005